
Often ridiculed, never forgotten, the murse (aka man-purse) is always creating buzz in the menswear world. According to GQ, the murse "accounts for a fifth of the luxury handbag business." That being said there is nothing to look down upon when it comes to this very necessary item. For womenswear it is a no brainer that a purse is a standard accessory but why is it not the same with menswear? A man on the go needs to be equipped with an adequate piece of luggage whether going from work to the gym or just simply needing a place to store his PKW (phone, keys, wallet). Using a simple leather bag will work with any of your outfits not to mention it is a step up from the typical laptop bag. Now we aren't saying your murse needs to come with you everywhere or has to be bold (like the ones these Buzzfeed guys sported), but it can be a good addition to your crazy work week routine. If you are not completely sold on the murse (just yet) a backpack works just the same (even though most won't admit it). Some of our favorite man bags and backpacks are Topman, H&M and Herschel.


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